Apr 27, 2010

Update 2

I came across this article on AWN.com that talks about how the majority of the critics out there (mainly bloggers), have no idea what the hell they are talking about. The author of the article, Dr. Toon, uses The Princess and The Frog as an example. He makes great points about how some critics go over board with insignificant details and try to "over think" the film.

You can take the points Dr. Toon makes and apply it to any film. My favorite quote from the article is "Among the most common mistakes that some uninformed critics make is equating the value of a film with its box-office take." And the quote "Determining the success of this movie by box office gross does it a gargantuan disservice."

So it doesn't matter how much money a film makes, it doesn't mean it's a great film or even "the greatest film ever made." For those of you who know me... You know exactly what I'm referring to!

Click HERE for the article

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