Oct 6, 2010

Acting Tips!

So in a previous post, I talked about how animators are not actors. But like I said, that as animators, we should not rely only on our ability to act out a scene. But also use a real actor's performance or at least their technique in our animation to get the fullness of the performance we create. This video is an awesome example of how we animators need to learn from actors and observe them. The great Michael Caine shares some of his techniques...

Here's another...

Just a few good tips to keep in mind for your next animation. So remember, the best performance you can achieve for you character is to do the following:

1. Story board it - Always plan out the sequence
2. Draw thumbnails - This frees you to create natural, free flowing poses with committing to single key frame
3. Act it out yourself (video record it) - Get up out of your chair and move. Take note of how your body feels as you act the sequence
4. Look for other references (Actors) - Use the people who make careers out of acting to really know how it should be done.
5. Repeat! - Do it again and again until it becomes second nature.

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