Nov 21, 2011

CTN - EXPO 2011 was AWESOME!

I just came back from Burbank and the wonderful and all inspiring event known as CTN - Expo! For those of you not familiar with CTN here's a link - (CTN - X). It was an awesome experience and well worth the time that I spent there. I got to speak with some of the top professionals in the animation industry and some of the top animators and artists of our time. I have truly been energized and inspired to continue on my professional development and my progression as an artist. I highly recommend for everyone to go to CTN - Expo every year if possible. This is my second time going, I went to the first, missed the second, but I will going every year from now on. I'll write a longer post of my experience and everything that went on at the event. I'm still very tired from the flight. Need sleep........

Later Animators!

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