Oct 25, 2011

Back Up Your Work!

Last week my computer stopped working. I don't know why, it happen all of a sudden while I was working on some very important things. So I've been freaking out this whole week, because some work I have been doing for my clients weren't backed up. Let this be a lesson... back all your stuff always. I had to try to use my wife's computer to finish some work but it's not the same. Luckily, I can draw and still continue to create awesome work. Let this be another lesson... do not define yourself by what you use, but by what you can do. A computer is just a tool, a very expensive tool. But with just $10, you can buy yourself some paper, pencils, erasers and a few other things and continue to create masterful artwork. Well, I have to wait to see if I can get my files back and hopefully my computer will work again. But until then, I can stop freaking out, because it's out of my hands. And I can draw until my lead breaks... haha. Well, at least I know I can just sharpen my pencil.

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