Nov 8, 2011

It's Been a While!

Wow... it's really has been a while since my last post. Mostly because my computer isn't working and I'm stuck having to use the computers at my job. It's super annoying that I have to rely so much on a computer. Well, at least I still draw in my sketch book. Like I said on my last post, don't let yourself become defined by what you use, but by what you can do. Also, another life lesson... no matter the circumstances, never give up and complete your goals. I made myself a personal goal earlier this year to keep up my blog on regular basis. Since my computer died, I slacked on that. But I made a decision to not let that stop me. So I will keep new posts coming along more frequent with new artwork, tips, tutorials, and my normal postings. So please keep a look out for that and share it with your friends! Stay tuned!

Later Animators!

1 comment:

Brett W. McCoy said...

My goal, started for this month, is to spend at least an hour every day working on art or animation... I slacked off in the past couple of years because I was taking music classes (now certified for film scoring through Berklee!) but now I am back on art and animation with a vengeance.